hi everyone...
i hope this email finds you all doing well. about a week ago, i received an email about one of my good friends from Westmont (Christina Ahmann- some of you might know her). she and i were RA's together and our whole RA staff was extremely close, like a family. i was completely shocked and so grieved to find out that she has a brain tumor and is going to be undergoing surgery tomorrow. my heart broke when i read about this huge life change, how she has to shave her head, how her life might be cut short, how scary this must be... but this amazing woman is one of the strongest people i know. i wanted to share her words with you all and ask for you to pray fervently for her tonight and tomorrow. i have learned so much from her already...
"Oh Lord,I love you with all my HEART, SOUL, and STRENGTH... Never have I experienced such desperate dependence on you. Never have I been in a more difficult place. But Never have I felt so at peace. Never have I experienced such richness in worshp, in conversations with those around me.... and in the intimacy between you and me, that cradles my head to your heart. Thank you Lord for all these "nevers"... I wouldn't trade them and I never want to go back! Heavenly Father I give you full control of this situation... because I KNOW it is ordained by you... and I know my own personal strength would have failed me the moment I caught a glimpse of that crazy huge tumor up on that screen! Oh Lord, I need you. And I love to need you!
My number one prayer Lord, remains the same. I pray that this situation touches all who encounter it for your glory. I have no idea why the story has spread so far and wide for little old me... but to become shy and timid about that would almost be disobedience and not trusting your sovereignty. I trust Lord that this happened to me for a reason, and it happened at this time for a reason--and so many people are involved in this for a reason! I ask, Lord, for boldness in conversation with everyone I encounter from family and friends, to doctors, nurses, receptionists. I pray that I never have to search for words, but you pour them from my lips saying exactly what you need to say to people to touch them in their own lives. I pray that my body and presence can be a beacon of your light that radically changes people as only you can do. No matter the outcome after the surgery Lord... I pray this never changes. Somehow even if I am severely altered or hurting physically, I pray your JOY and PEACE never leave me. Nothing of my own strength can accomplish that Lord..... and so here I am again on my knees desperately dependent on you..."
Also, I thought this was great- she had to fill out a medical form and here's what she wrote:
What is your condition: Brain Tumor
What have you done for this so far: Tylenol, Ibuprofen, Massage, PhysicalTherapy, Nothing has helped
Yes she even added the smiley face.
Alair, My small group out here at Duke is praying for her. I can hardly believe this is happening. Will you please pass on any updates you receive to me? Danielle Garcia (I was in Lisa's section that year)
Aww Alair! I am definitely praying for your friend! She seems like such a beautiful godly girl. I know that God will protect her like He did for me :)
I will definitely keep her in my prayers. Thank you for spreading the word Alair!
Alair, wow! You blow me away! Thank you so much for all you wrote and for exposing me to so many praying people! WE FEEL THE PRAYERS!!! I'm working on getting an update out tonight... I LOVE YOU!
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