Welcome to The Sunday Edition.

It's a new year, so I figured a new title is in order. My hope is to post something (even just 10 words) every Sunday, so I can be consistent and so you all can feel free to check this right along with your weekend paper. So, same blog address...new blog name. :)

I think this year is going to bring along even more changes. More than just a website, I truly believe that "change" is going to be a theme for 2009. At the end of 2008, I started looking ahead and thinking about all that was to come in the next year. I ran through the various parts of my life and realized how many (if not all) would be changing in some way.

My internship for my grad program is starting in a few months, a huge shift in focus from studying and writing papers to actually seeing clients.

My work situation will change to part-time.

I've transitioned out of leading a community/home fellowship group for church and am transitioning in to some other roles with small groups and mission opportunities.

My daily schedule will change, my finances will change, my free time will change.

My understanding of myself will change as I'm put in new situations.

In all these things, I'm actually looking forward to change. While I will certainly feel uncomfortable or unsettled in most of these situations, I also feel ready to embark upon something new. I'm ready to see what this new season of life will look like and see a little farther down of the road of where God is taking me.

Along with changes in my life, I'm also looking for where I'm supposed to make changes. The theme for my church this year is "risk" and tonight the pastor was challenging all of us to see how God is inviting us to impact the world. We are meant for greater purposes than to go through life, managing all the "changes"; we are called to make the changes.

So... a year of change. What's changing for me? What's changing for you? Where are changes being made? Keep that conversation going!

take care, friends...


1 comment:

Clark Family said...

My sweet friend... I am so looking forward to Sundays!!!! I am a fully COMMITTED blogger these days and I'm so stoked to be able to keep up on all that is going on in your heart... Love you, KAcy