One-Word Check-In
This past week has been one of the fullest in a long time...and I mean that in many different senses of the word. I was part of planning a huge event at work and then also took part in a huge conference through my church, "coaching" one of the small groups that met together throughout the conference. I was already feeling somewhat drained and exhausted going into these two events, yet I cannot describe right now the incredible feeling of fullness, satisfaction and enthusiasm that I have now after all is done.

Full... My soul is full and overflowing. I was able to experience and be a part of situations, events and lives in ways that basically cause me to burst with excitement. Getting to plan parts of my work event and create experiences for students visiting the school... coaching a group of 6 women where we could talk, share, laugh, learn together... meeting a ton of new people... this is the language I speak and this fills me with such joy! I realized that I also get filled up when I am around supportive, encouraging friends and that community is essential to life; we cannot do this on our own.
Alive... The church conference was focused around learning more about your own personality and strengths, and then how those can play out in all areas of life. One seminar I went to encouraged us to write down moments throughout our day when we have the chance to do the things we love. These are the moments that make you feel strong, that give you energy and that leave you wanting more. I could pick about 20 moments over the past few days where I was able to use my own giftings and strengths, and it energized me in a whole new way.
Encouraged... As I've written before, God is changing a lot in my life, including me. In the midst of all that change, He is also confirming things in me about my calling, my passions and my strengths. There is no doubt in my mind that I love people, I love hearing people's stories and I love creating experiences for people to enjoy. These were all confirmations that reminded me of who I am.
Inspired... My church's theme this year is "risk", especially in the area of sharing our faith and the good news of the Gospel. I know that God wants me to step out in new ways and I'm excited to see what that looks like.
So what about you? What is your word for today? My prayer is that you would find those moments in life that you love, that make you feel strong, and that fill you up.
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